Photos of Jewish Quarter in Krakow.
The 'chair' sculpture is the site of one part of the Krakow Ghetto which extended a few blocks to the left.
The factory was Oskar Schindler's. (Well - it no doubt previously belonged to a Jewish businessman who was murdered in Auschwitz).

It’s a public holiday here today so I am not going to do much.

We saw Moni and the babies on Saturday and have negotiated to get the black one. Rozalin is instead taking the one we had allocated to us. Rozalin has taken some photos and these will be provided in due course.

I know this is not very exciting for you non-cat people but it’s going to get worse so I suggest you either stop reading the Blog or keep a bucket next to you.

We have negotiated a release date of 13 June. The Cat Owner is delivering Moni and the kitten and will inspect our house at the same time. We will have to be up really early to wash and polish Muffin and get the house shipshape.

I have put the Cat Net on the Terrace and – as you can imagine – it looks fantastic.

Cate is of course overjoyed and has been mumbling about ‘what’s the point of having a view like this if you have to peer at it through a poxy cat net’.

To which my response is ‘if you want to buy Austrian Jumping Cats this is what you have to put up with’.

Although I must admit it does look awful. According to the instructions – birds will not be able to see the net so we should attach strips of cloth or silver paper to it so that they don’t fly into it.

Cate received this news with a low degree of enthusiasm so I am going to think of a workaround.

However - the way I have put the net up you can probably see it from space - so I really don’t think the birds are going to have a problem.