Ooh! Another happy note!

Harry Potter tomorrow!!!!

And and....I have the best friends in the world.

I will get you Voldermegan!

Ok, on a happier note!

Yesterday, I got home and felt pretty...Fehish.

Then my dad handed me a present and said "Jamie's presents came!"

We openeded em up and all ooohed and aahed and very much with the sadness that Jamie's not here, but with the happiness that she was here! And and Thank you Jamie so much! You're the best American Scum ever!!! EVER!!!!!

Ooooh! *angry oooh*

I was just on the bus with the most....most...evil woman ever!!!

She was talking to the bus driver, about her sister or something, when I got on the bus. So anyways, she started saying how her sister was as tall as her, but a lot more wider. And she then went on and on about how she has to starve herself and she always monitors how much everyone in her family weighs. By this point I was really wishing I had sat farther back on the bus.

So anyways, the bus driver was talking back to her all nice like and asked if she had any grandkids yet.

I don't remember how (a very cute red headed teenaged boy came on the bus at that point), but they started talking about how she once knew this guy who said he was gay, but then later on married a woman. And she said "I really don't think people are born like that, it's just a psychological thing. With the right therapy no one would be like that." The bus driver said how it is just the way some people are he supposes. The lady said "My son has no problem with them either! I swear, he's probably gay too!" The bus driver seemed kinda ticked at that and said "Well, there weren't as many people like that when we were kids, so now that it's more or less accepted in society, just because your son says he's ok with it, doesn't mean he's gay." The lady got all huffy at that point and said how she would just never accept it.

*sighs* I so wanted to beat her! She was sooooo stupid! With her stupidness! And I really, really tried to not listen to them, but I was right near the bus driver. Grrrrrr I disliked her so much. I hope she gets attacked by earwigs! At least ten!

Dah well, I feel better for venting.


I'm far too excited about the Harry Potter movie...I'm practically shaking with anticipation!

Oooh Speller! I gave my mom the cookies and she just about had a fit! She went on and on about it...She loves you to peices! I'm saying now incase I don't get to call you! *cheers for you*

Oh..And she wouldn't share.

I had a great day! I sometimes can't get over how cool everyone is!

Oh and Megan, thank you for the bus money..And the chasing me...It did mean a lot that you cared so much....Made me all warm and happy on the inside...Like cookies! *glares at Mom*

*giggles* Today after school, Katarina and I went to our old school. It was sooo funny! First of all, Mrs. Macdonald, the old principal, recognized me..not for the award I won though, from the writing contest I won..She's so weird. *laughs* And we saw Miss Fink!(can't member how to spell it fer sure)...And Mr. Lorentz! He's so cool, but I don't think he remembered us...They didn't recognize Katarina, cause she aged. Good ole my face though, gonna stay the same...FOREVER!

I love the Buffy Musical! I've watched the tape like...eighty times..and listened to my soundtrack(Thanks Megan!) a gazzillion! I now know all the lines...It's scary...I can remember like 9 songs..but not my locker combo.

*sighs heavily*

The X-Files, as I knew it, is officially dead. I know, I know, it sucked last year..I know I know, it sucked even the year before that...But I held on people...I tried to keep my favourite show alive in my heart. But people...it's utter, utter crap now. Ok. Imagine a tv show you really love...Now take away your favourite character..make all the other characters act totally out of character...Have a story line that's boring and you have the X-Files. *sigh* My only hope for the show is Scully. Cause she's my hero and I can't give up on her...She means to much to me...That sound so wrong. Oh..And Doggett and Skinner love each other. Only part of show that makes any sense.


(The Heidi Has To Take Friday the 16th Off Because She Needs

To Get Out And Watch The Much-Anticipated Harry Potter Movie With Her

Friends Instead of Babysitting ALL The Time)

Ever have one of those days that is full of happiness and not so...happiness....? Er.

I have the best friends in da world. *nods* So all day, I kept thinking about how wonderful my friends are, but then, I'd think about how a certain somebody is so mad at me. Huh.

Oh, and I don't think I'm smart Dan, I know I'm smart. I don't remember telling Candace that you weren't talking to me, and uh, hello? You aren't talking to me. I ran out of that classroom because I was very, very, upset. It wasn't specifically against you, I was just upset about hitting Gerrad in the head. And you came into the classroom saying "I can't believe you did that." Nice. Yeah. I'm going to call you. Why? Because.

I really like the Buffy songs. That is all.

This just in!

Speller likes her Buffy doll a little toooo much..

Speller: "She's such a good dancer.."

Amy: "Stupid Amy."

I'm blogging.

Go me.

Anyhoo....What's new in my life? Well, I have nothing to complain about, so really I don't have a lot to blog about. I'm going on a field trip tomorrow. I'm very excited because I get to go with my friends! Plus Psych is really interesting to me, and even though we're going to learn about people with mental problems, it'll still be really cool. Oooh and at lunch tomorrow, we're going to eat somewhere where we've never eaten before...I don't know where that is.. but we can't eat at like, McDonalds or stupid A&W. Why? Cause Mr. Casement brought up a very good point that if we go to DownTown TORONTO, we can't eat at a local food place. Because how often do we get to go somewhere different? Plus China Town is like, right there, we have to visit there. Mr. Casement said that if we eat at McDonalds, that shows how local we are. I don't want to be local! I'm from OTTAWA!!!!! Go Senators!

Speller claps loudly!

Hehe, today me and Mike had a hair touching game! It was very fun except he's far better at the game than me. Maybe because I have longer hair.

I hurt my hand. Owwie...

What's new pussy cat? Woahwoahwhoahhhh! That song's so wrong. Heheheeheeh...Maybe it's just me that's wrong...Yes, I think it is. *nods*

BUFFY ATTACKED ME!!!!! She's either sawing my arm...or.....doing other things to my arm....Eww it's pointy!

Anyways.....I'm at Speller's house. Why? Because after school I always go to someone's house. Why? Because I'm a moocher.. *sniffle*...Thanks Speller....What I was gonna say, was because I don't want to go home to do dishes.

It's 4:33 PM. I'm like the dog that hears the whistle. Go Me!

Speller's on the phone. Wwwatch this....

That was fun!!!!! I'm gonna do it again.

I hurt Speller's toe!! BAD ME!

I am sooooo eeeeevil.

Speller said "One day, you're going to be on the phone with Heath Ledger and ooooh watch me go!"

*high fives self*

Did you know that clapping, is actually high fiving yourself over and over? Oh Speller she's so kooky.

Mike is giving Speller his whole old uniform! He's such a trooper! Cause now at work, he's gonna be naked. Speller said "Whoohooo.." Oh she's funny....Smelling...HAHAH wipe out! Dunudnunun nunun!

See, I just ranted but I deleted it. But Speller said one word I made was funny so I'm gonna say it!

SKANKISM! Yay! Go Me! Toby is evil.

*waves* Hi Jamie! Like she reads this....I can say anything I want about her!! Oooh my mom still says Shut up like Jamie did, or does.. Tis very funny! I laugh, and laugh. I am wearing two different socks! I wear them like everyday...Not the same socks, different ones... that don't match. Shut up Speller! Making fun of my saying like. Buffy dances like a ho! Ho!

I'm done.