Well things have settled down a bit here.

Moni and Sissi are very relaxed. Muffin is not quite as uptight as she was – but has a long way to go.

Last night we had a small furry visitor at 4:00 AM who spent some time jumping on us and biting our toes.

Muffin – who sleeps on the ledge behind the bed – regarded this with some distaste but did not react too badly.

Moni has - thank goodness – managed to find the kitty litter and while I do not expect much this is at least a start.

It has been a very stressful time for all of us – particularly Muffin. Unfortunately it was for Muffin that we did this as we thought she was lonely without Bill.

You can see from the pictures that Sissi gets plumb tuckered out after jumping around for an hour or so.