Maria Island and bushfires on the Tasmanian Coast.

It has been raining for days and Muffin and I are suffering from Post Natal Depression.

We apparently caught this from Moni (who shows no signs of it) and is as happy as a clam – as is her daughter Sissi.

They live in their own happy little world while Muffin skulks in the bedroom.

I have been scuttling around get things ready for the Woods who arrive this evening. I am going to collect them from Südbahnhof and there should be no trouble identifying them as Lisa says that Lindsay looks like Bert from Sesame street.

I have been wondering for years who Darryl reminds me of and now I know.

I have been following with glee the ‘utegate’ affair in Australia and have had lots of Laugh Out Loud moments.

Australian politics, both Federal and State, are always entertaining and this has been a particularly fine episode.

I love that the mole who has been leaking to the Opposition for years has been the one to stitch them up with a fake email. And then Malcolm blames the Treasurer because the mole worked in his department. Thought I’d die laughing.

I must say that I have always found Malcolm about as appealing as a breakfast sausage (but with thicker skin) and am sorry the Peter Costello has left the scene.

I am sure he will survive but wouldn’t it be fun to have Tony or Joe in the job?

I forgot to mention to Rozalin that I have changed my will and have left the cats to her in the event of the wings falling off any of our planes.