I am sure I have promised you a few things that I have not delivered.

I know that one of these is moving pictures of Ducks but the Sony Handycam has proved to be a technological challenge – not in the taking of the movies – but in the getting of them into the PC and flangling them into something comprehensible.

I have something called Adobe Premier Elements which is supposedly pretty good – but requires some technological skills which I do not currently possess.

I have now resorted to reading the instruction book so hope to deliver something when we get back from Australia – although it I more likely to be Cats than Ducks.

If there are other things I have missed please leave comments (Annie is very good at this and often makes penetrating observations which highlight my frequently bizarre behaviour).

I would also like to take a lot more photos of Wien – some of the more obscure parts – but my days are just so full that I am having trouble keeping up.

Anyway – the training session with Gretchen went well and she is ready to roll on 1 July.

There was a significant problem this morning when Sissi decided that she would like to eat out of Muffin’s food bowl – while Muffin was actually already eating out of it.

This caused a major problem which culminated in Muffin doing something – as punishment for us - so unspeakable it cannot be Blogged.

Hmmm....getting new cats seemed like a good idea at the time.

I have much to do so can’t sit around chatting all day.

However – as this week has not been too good in the Blogging department (mainly because of the new arrivals) I will try to do better next week. Or not – as the case may be.

Merlin gets a picture today so that he doesn’t get jealous.