you are gord downie

you are gord downie of the tragically hip. you front the tragically hip, arguably canada's biggest

musical export.. that's any good. you dance a lot. you have fun. you have no hair. you sing about pot, hockey, and various places in


which charismatic canadian musician are


Tis funny! See cause my Blog is "My Music at Work" and it's done by The Tragically Hip...And I'm the frontman...Do you see? Do you see the funnyness!

Oh dear, what a week.

First, last Friday I had this fellow hit on me for an hour or so. It was nice. Then on Sunday the fellow asked me out that night. I said sure and off we went. To Kelsey's we ate and I had a good time. After dinner we decided to go driving around. Well, the mixture of him talking to me and the loud music caused the fellow to hit another car. I got a little bit of whiplash but all was good. My date gave the other driver some money to fix the scrape and we carried on our merry. Twas about this time that my date said there was something he had to tell me that I wouldn't like very much. Turns out you see, this fellow already has a girlfriend. One he's been dating for a year no less. Well, I thought that this was highly amusing. Considering this was my first date ever, it really made it a memorable one I thought. Well then my date, so distraught at his new found guilt decided he needed to stop driving the car, and parked us in a nice dark deserted parking lot. Much wackiness ensused. Well, after I got him off me he dropped me off and I nicely informed him that since he has a girlfriend, I am nothing to him other than a girl who works at the same place he does. I am girl, hear me roar.

Moving along. Yesterday I recieved my second PIN. I was very upset by this, especially considering that while I was working yesterday I had another variance. What does this mean for me? Well, because I am a good worker, other than my money problems, they have decided not to fire me. Nope. Instead I have a choice; I can transfer to another job-type, I can transfer to HB games, or I can keep working in Expo and if I have another variance my sorry butt is on the curb. I'm gonna work in HB games I reckon. And, though I have nothing against HB games or anything, I'm really heartbroken. I love Expo...having to leave is really like leaving my friends. Wait no, it is leaving a bunch of my friends.

What else...Hmmm Oh! Yes. That's right. My family and I have to move again. What? This is shocking? No, not it isn't. The people upstairs don't like us all that much and we've been asked to move out by the end of September. Round my birthday. Whoohoo! So now I get to pack and all that wonderness!

Well now you've all been updated in the life and times of Amy. Night all!