definitely not in the least bit brave.
This morning I was trying to dress for the birthday party ( the one I previously said I didn't want to go to).
Children frolicking on the bed with DH.
DH calls me to come and rescue Mr L who was in danger of falling off the bed.
I shoot in, and in the process, trip over the weighing scales and crash into the bathroom cabinet.
The ensuing crack was horrifying and was almost as loud as the expletives I uttered. Again, I apologise to my children.
And the pain?
oh the pain!
Two broken, sadly mangled, toes later
I sit here
drugged up.
Feeling very sorry for myself.
With the aid of crutches I dragged myself to the party.
Now I am home and am NOT MOVING.
if you are reading this
And yes, I think this is all your fault.
And I know that I said in my previous post I was trying to be braver.
I've changed my mind.