New Zealand's Southland Times reports that Mark Carwardine was very impressed with the conservation efforts being made for the Kakapo Parrots. He and Stephen Fry have been down there this week, and have both been rogered by randy Kakapo during the trip.

Returning from Codfish Island yesterday, Mr Carwardine, who now sports a series of impressive "kakapo scars" said he was impressed with New Zealand efforts to save the kakapo and said it was one of the most hands-on recovery schemes he had seen.
"We got great footage of Sirocco and lots of good interviews with the rangers and their volunteers," he said.

The rest of the world could learn a lot from the way New Zealand conducted its recovery schemes, and other countries were now starting to take notice of initiatives being conducted in the south, he said.
Here's a selection of Stephen Fry's Tweets during the trip...
Watched (and heard) a kakapo booming in his bowl last night. Wonderful. Sxx 11:02 AM Jan 5th from Tweetie

To some extent the kakapo is one of evolution's most pitiable errors. On the other hand there is something in their solemn lovelinesss ... x 10:24 PM Jan 5th from web

When I say kakapo are "evolution's error", it's their complex mating rituals,inability to flee predators and general (sweet) dumbness x 10:38 PM Jan 5th from web

A kakapo tried to shag the back of my leg. Mark was roughly shagged on the back of his neck. It's mating time for kakapo: anyone'll do x 9:50 PM Jan 6th from Tweetie

Leaving Codfish Island this morning and heading for Queenstown. Kakapo made 1 last alarming attempt to ravish me on way to loo last night x 12:06 PM Jan 7th from Tweetie