Normal transmission (for me at least) resuming.

Our household is back to regular numbers after hosting various guests the last few weeks, and when the last of them left today, I am not ashamed to say I let out a loooong exhale of relief!
So now I am in the throes of planning a wedding.
Weddings are fun right?
Well seventeen, yes SEVENTEEN phonecalls later I managed to get a reception venue that 
a) was not already booked
b) wasn't horrifically expensive
c) wasn't horrific.
The wedding is nine months away and I have carte blanche to organise it.
In nine months I suspect I will have turned into bridezilla. Because there's the menu, placemats, flowers, bonbonniere, and what, may I ask, is that? It just seems like the bride and groom, who have already paid for their guests to eat fine food and drink fine wine are forking out for a gift for the guests. What the hell is that about?
Didn't have them in my day, but then again. I am 
a) old
b) not Italian and Greek (though apparently this custom is now common to all)
So I have decided to get two ENORMOUS jars and fill them with lollies and candies. I will provide cute containers for the guests at the tables and they can go fill their containers with them. Does that sound like a plan you would get on board with? I liked it, but we all know "my name is (newly christened) Seraphim and I am a lollyaholic."
Like the White Rabbit, I feel there is so much to do and so little time. But I love it. I thrive under deadlines and pressure. Who knows, I have been looking for a new career path, maybe this is it.
Or maybe not.