It arrived yesterday.
I hesitated to open the clearly labelled parcel but after a deep breath I ripped it open.
And my number and the requisite pins were all nestled nicely inside.
In preparation for my half marathon later this year I'm doing a fun run next weekend.
It won't actually be fun. Who are they kidding when they call it that? Stun run would be a much better name.
And looking closely at the map it is quite a long way.
14 km.
I feel sleepy just thinking about it.
And I have a confession to make.
I haven't been for a run in 10 days.
This makes me A. Very. Bad. Person.
More accurately it makes me a bit stupid because this close to the run I should be covering a fair bit of distance.
I justify it on the grounds I'm not worried about speed for this run also a lie, I think about it often
My excuses go as follows:
Husband got pneumonia and Mr Small wasn't well either recently. Then I went to Sydney and was busy being faux glamorous.
I had planned to go for a run straight after getting off the plane, but quite frankly there were a lot of little people to cuddle and a Husband I wanted to spend time with.
Fortunately tomorrow I am seeing HM and after kicking my lazy rear to the kerb, I think he'll get me back into gear.
God I hope so.
The Freeway is being shut especially for this occasion, so I guess I have the added incentive of running fast enough to beat cars if they reopen it before I finish it.
I think I'll go and look at my running shoes for a while.
Maybe that will help.
Or eat some chocolate.
For energy.