I went to call her today about something and realised she wasn't home. She won't be home for another month or so. She's been gone a couple of days and I miss her. She is my conduit to my family, one of my dearest friends and when it comes to all things offspring related, my first phone call.
I am not sure if I am the only one but I have a range of people who are "my first phone call" for many things.
Marriage counselling a few years back taught me to appreciate the value in that Husband is my first phone call. And he is 90% of the time. But often he is in meetings or on calls, so I leave messages recounting my "news" and then hit the menu button on my phone.
Offspring related calls are usually with my sister in law. Our children are close in age and development so we share notes, laugh hysterically and chatter non stop about random things.
Enriching calls are Carly, reassuring calls are with the Stylist need to stop calling you that now!
Writing related calls are usually with my old editor (for advice) or my new editor (for work) and lately with a fellow freelancer with whom I have struck up a close rapport for both advice and work.
Whenever I hit a milestone or something happens I automatically dial my parents. The insatiable need for them to be proud of me is innate. They are proud of me as it happens, but my inner child can't get enough of their praise.
Then there are the phonecalls to old friends yes I know we must catch up , newer friends sorry there just aren't enough hours in the day , babysitters, work calls where I have to interview people for articles and I still can't shake of the nerves in my voice when I do that.
There are the boring calls to banks, health insurers and making appointments.
One could say I spend too much time on the phone. You would be right. But these days my life is a juggling act of school run, working, ferrying to and cheering on the offspring at drama, ballet, hockey, football and me trying to shove in some running training.
All too often the phone is my only way of catching up with people I love.
So Sister in Law, while I hope you are having a fabulous time in the USA I know you will read this.
Call me, would you?
Who is your first phone call?