Right now, I feel tired and sore, and if I am completely truthful, a bit cranky. Mainly because last night it was a hit parade of offspring marching through our bedroom, and whilst most nights we make them welcome, a tiny voice kept muttering in my head "Oh just for this one night could your stay in your own frigging bed?"
But they didn't.
And I didn't get alot of sleep.
So I woke this morning feeling distinctly unrefreshed and out of sorts.
Two coffees and a couple of jellybeans later we were out the door. Did I mention the Offspring were still fast asleep?
We met my parents and headed into town for the funrun.
I love the atmosphere at a funrun. It's like the best party in town.
The run itself was surprisingly good.
About 9km in when I really started to hurt I fell in sync with a girl in a red tank top. She and I matched each other pace for pace the remaining 5km. I don't know her name but she is one of my favourite people today.
The run itself was brilliantly organised and the course was quite flat so kudos to the organisers.
I think my time was okay. Not awesome or newsworthy, but okay. I'll know for sure later this week.
Next up is training for a half marathon.
But just for today and probably the rest of this week I'm going to really enjoy the fact that I ran 14km and it didn't kill me.
I appreciated the support I got preparing for this very much, so thank you as well.
And because doing my affirmations worked so well last week, I am going to make it a weekly thing for me. I'd love it if you joined in if you can. I like reading other people's lists because it helps me add to my list or is a gentle reminder of things I could do too.
This week I will:
-be gentle on myself
- meet my article deadline
-catch up on my emails (apologies if one of them is from you)
- have a date with Husband
-get kitten 2 desexed
-bake a meal for a friend
Now what about you?