Mon - 6 easy/recovery on the treadmill

Tues - 10.2 miles (700 feet). 1:10:06. Out and back to south dam. Middle six near tempo (18:37, 20:07). Very windy around reservoir. Last 3/4 mile of tempo was up 300 foot hill with a massive headwind. Ended up working much harder than planned to maintain any kind of pace.

Weds - 8 miles (1,650 feet). 1:13. Horsetooth/Audra Culver route. Legs felt sluggish from yesterday. Pushed the downs.

Thurs - 13.5 miles (2,000 feet). 2:03. Horsetooth - Spring Creek/Stout - Mill Creek - Southridge - Horsetooth. Breaking trail through snow on Mill Creek. Pushed the downs. Felt decent, although a little sore in the quads.

Fri - 6 miles easy (600 feet). Milner.

Sat - 16 miles (2,500 feet). 2:40. Out with Ryan B. at Horsetooth. Up Horsetooth trail to Wathan, down to Spring Creek/Herrington, Towers to Mill Creek to Sawmill/Stout and back on Falls trail to TH and home. Deep snow made for tough conditions. Didn't get the 25 I was hoping for, but the legs felt like they got a long-run workout.

Sun - 15 miles easy (1,400 feet). 2:00. Out and back on Blue Sky/Indian Summer. Took it easy through most of this run, especially climbing. The trail was super sloppy, but I was just happy to be out after procrastinating on the run all day.

Total: 75 miles (8,900 feet of climbing)

Legs have been feeling kind of heavy. I can tell they are ready for a mileage cut back this week. Happy to get another 75-mile week in. Three-week training block has been 83, 75, 75 with 26.2, 27.5, 21 long runs, and (12 & 27.5); (21 & 14); (16 & 15) back to backs. Still struggling to motivate for speed workouts, but they will come. Hopefully the legs will be primed and ready to go come Fruita in two weeks.