I wasn't going to post until I knew more about what's wrong with me. But I've changed my mind. (I do that alot) Life and blogging should not be beholden to my health! So for anyone interested, it's hospital on Wednesday for "investigative tests."
Is there anyone else who thinks that's a pathetic euphemism for no one really knowing what's wrong with you?
Anyway, that's it for boring health updates.
I've finished my second week of full time work. I LOVED it! But I am equally glad to be back home with my little crew. It's heightened my awe for mums who work full time. I am exhausted after two weeks, though to be fair, I don't think that's entirely work related!
I also missed my regular checking in on my blog friend updates lol!
I felt a huge weight of responsibility doing this work. It has to be "just right." I was involved in trialling a test paper and answer guide for a national test. I won't say who, what or when it's for. I can't. And relatively speaking, it really doesn't matter. What Barb said a few weeks ago has really stayed with me.
I find myself thinking that about everything. "Does it really matter?"
Whilst most things honestly don't, I discovered a few things matter.
1. Not being able to enjoy chocolate at Easter. It matters. The meds I am on make it taste like sawdust.
2. A husband who rushes to the bedroom to soothe you when you are screaming blue murder, trapped in a nightmare and waking you up to reassure you it was all a dream.
3. And finally this, it matters. It's why my heart aches for so many beautiful friends. It's why I pray for them daily. It's why life, and living it well, matters. It's what keeps my going in uncertain, sometimes scary times.