You are such a good looking guy I am only going to charge you three times what I normally charge for Turkish Delight!

Its Michael's birthday (well - yesterday actually) but as we operate on European time we miss almost everything.

Anyway - Happy Birthday Michael - had we not gone to dinner at Le Ciel we would have been able to afford a card. But we will make it up to you in July.

I have mentioned before that the calendar is filling up. Since my last bulletin about this Cate has booked Gwenyth for a week in Vienna and a weeks sailing with Gwenyth (without me) in Denmark in August.

This is just after our visit to Australia in July.

Burne and Jan are coming for three weeks in October, Geoffrey and Carmella are coming for a few days in August, Liz and Darryl are here in Europe for a month in September and October.

Cate has now arranged for the two of us, together with Gwenyth, to go to St Petersburg after Christmas. Mmmm....should be nice and warm there!

This is of course in addition to Cates business trips of which there will be at least one each month.

She still has to go to Thailand for my birthday in May (without me - she likes to celebrate this in a different place each year – usually without me but what can you expect for someone who went on their honeymoon with their girlfriend) and has lots of other exciting trips planned.

I am teaching Muffin how to play Pinochle so that we don't have to watch National Geographic channel every night. Of course when we get the two kittens we will have enough for bridge.

November is still free – but you will need to get in early as there is a surcharge for late bookings you may end up in the room next to the kitty litter.

Cate and I went for a cycle to the Donau and then through the Prater and back through Gasometer City and then had our first outdoor meals for the year at Pizzeria Grado. We have done this cycling thing twice and plan on doing something like it often.

I will by cycling every day and Cate will try to do it a few times each week.

I have checked on the Duck Pond – the water is back in it but there are very few ducks. I find this whole business very mysterious but then if it’s not in the Austrian Times I am not likely to know about it at all – and they rarely talk about the ducks in Stadtpark.

This is one of the most popular spots on town and there were hordes of people there on the weekend swarming all over the seats and the grass.

We were astonished to learn that the Bangarra Dance Theatre

is coming to St. Pölten in few weeks so we have of course booked tickets.

We have photos of two of the dancers on our walls and never missed anything they did in Australia.

It will be good to see them again – although they probably won’t recognise us may and think we are Austrians. We may wear our Kangaroo outfits so that we stand out.