I'm counting them because this week, it would be easy, oh so easy, to do the opposite.
Because I'm sick.
So a reminder:
I am loving the job I am currently doing. It stimulates my brain. It reminds I did in fact, once have a good brain. And more reassuringly, it reminds me it (my brain) still works. The people I work with are fantastic. I am new to this and they have shared their skills with me freely and kindly.
It helps me ignore the pain I am in, on an almost constant basis.
I have a wonderful family. A husband who took annual leave to be home with the children while I did this work. Attentive, caring and concerned, the man even baked fresh bread for my sandwiches to take to work today.
Best. Husband. Ever.
My parents have been gorgeous. Everyone should have parents like mine.
And finally, I have wonderful medical care. Though I must confess to feeling a little frightened about what is wrong with me (being a hypochondriac will do that to you) I have felt comforted and supported these past days.
My doctors have been incredible, kind and generous with their time. I feel so blessed to have them to care for me and to be great friends to me.
So next week looks like a possible hospital visit.
And I am okay with these steps.
A little scared.
But relieved, and hopeful that I will feel better soon.