Yesterday you ripped your brand new t shirt,
You grizzled incessantly
nothing I said
or did
consoled you,
frustrating you and me.

I did a lot of shouting
it was not my finest day
I had so much to do you see,
no time to get down on the floor and play.

You smeared cream all over your bedroom,
you pulled your brother's lego all over the floor
you ripped your sister's kindy artwork,
and kept going back for more.

Worn out and angry
I tucked you into bed.
You couldn't, and you wouldn't sleep
no use telling you to count some sheep!

Your grizzling continued
and I went in
stern words on my lips,
but one look at your feverish face
and I caught you up in my embrace.

Some days are just bad days,
others so long and hard,
but last night,
my sick and tired toddler
could only find sleep in my arms

and yet again I am reminded
what Barb said
"In the end it doesn't really matter"
the cooking, the cleaning, the shopping.
As long as I love my family
I can let the rest of it shatter.