I return to full time work next week.
For a little while anyway.
It's not teaching and I am so, so honoured to have this opportunity.
Because of the FOUR non disclosure and confidentiality agreements I signed before I started I am not sure how much I can say about the work right now.
Suffice to say, it's pretty important stuff, and that alone makes it exciting.
But lets rewind to the end of 2006.
I had been working in what initially seemed to be the perfect teaching post. Great students, some great colleagues and a beautiful work environment.
I left in pieces.
There is a BRILLIANT line in The West Wing (one of my all time favourite TV series) where the President elect Matt Santos says to a Church congregation: "We are all broken."
Well I was.
I have always been anti bullying and I look back almost in bewilderment at the person I became because of a certain colleague. The old saying "sticks and stones" etc etc
Yeah, whatever.
And constant belittlement.
That's great too.
I decided to resign the day I realised the beta blockers I was taking for stress weren't working anymore. No job, none, is worth that.
And why the hell was I taking them in the first place?
So I quit,
stayed home,
made a delicious chubby baby to add to my crew
and became a domestic goddess
(one who can't cook all that well)
and I worked from home a little too.
And now I am going back to work.
And I'm scared,
because I'm pretty sure I'm still a little broken.
Keep me in your thoughts,
I hope I've papered over the cracks enough to do a GREAT job,
because I really, really want to do this.
And most pressingly of all,
what does a girl wear to work these days?
Shoulderpads are out of fashion still, right?