This Blog has a number of photos of Cemetery Cats. 'Non-Cat' people should have a bucket or paper bag handy.

It’s very strange to leave Paris and ‘go home’ to Vienna. In the past I have left Paris to go to Australia but now home is just a couple of hours flight away.

I really do love Paris - and always have done since my first trip here in 1978. In those days I visited at least once a year on business and stayed in the Hotel Meurice (where they turn down your bed and put chocolates on the pillows).

But, while I still love Paris, I think the lifestyle in Vienna is better. But there is certainly absolutely nothing like Montmartre in Vienna - this place just hops and is full of life.

Melissa has given me some lessons and I am going to try to get banned from Cafe Malipop.

But I will be glad to get back to the ducks because there will be ducklings soon and I certainly want to be there for that. (Of course I miss Cate and Muffin).