Cate had a wonderful time in Zambia and saw hordes of different animals. The camera apparently only stopped working briefly so she was able to take many pictures of the wildlife – including hundreds of photos of elephants –or perhaps the same elephants from many different angles – they look much the same – like ducks – so it is hard to tell.

She had her own Butler, named Henry, who was available to fulfill any wish that she had – but she had none at all and Henry spent most of his time dozing in the sun or chasing the monkeys away from the dinner table.

These monkeys were not of the type and size of the ones who tear their owners friends to pieces but they are apparently quite pesky and bother the bejesus out of the hotel guests - so the staff keep them away with slingshots.

Doesn’t sound right to me – they were there first – but that’s what happens everywhere. Look what happened to the Australians who lived in Bondi before the Kiwis arrived.

Cate participated in everything except the white water rafting.

She even went on her first helicopter ride over the falls and we have many pictures of the back of the pilot’s head with what could be the falls in the top right hand corner.

There were many late nights and her Pith helmet came in handy.

She had a bit of a windfall when they went into Zimbabwe and got this note for $1.00.

Clearly the owner had no idea of its value. I am going to the bank to cash it on Monday and then we are going to buy Citigroup and the Royal Bank of Scotland and retire to Monaco.