Those who know me IRL will tell you I am organised, efficient (and almost always annoying.) Not having everything "just so" makes me very edgy.
Yes, I am a control freak.
Today, I am VERY EDGY.
"Why" I hear you ask?
This is why

My family and I have been prisoners in doors for MONTHS (I am not joking, well maybe a little)
We had a small pond out the front which was like a call from the wild to Mr L, so no going out there.
There was also an ongoing reno project of DH which rendered our tiny backyard space unsafe as well. I am still unclear as to the purpose of his project, but think saws, power drills, cables and cords. Dangling everywhere.
So I snapped recently.
It's worth doing sometimes. You should try it.
So this weekend saw a swing into action.
This was the result.
They say it gets worse before it gets better.
I really hope that's true.