Firstly, there are few things I love more than listening to the rain falling on the roof. Apart, perhaps, from eating chocolate and listening to the rain fall on the roof.
But I have a problem. More specifically some of my children have a problem. But they are making it my problem. And it's getting really annoying.
A few months back we had a massive storm here in Perth. It was the biggest one I have ever seen.
I was at home with the offspring at the time, and their fear at the noises of the storm weren't helped by the fact we had water pouring into virtually EVERY room in the house. Our house is old, and apparently kind of leaky too.
I think they thought the house was going to float away, if it wasn't pummelled into nothingness by the hailstones first.
The two younger ones followed me to every room as I attempted to mop up the water and assess the damage everywhere. They cried and sobbed and I couldn't really console them. Even my theory about God washing his underpants didn't work. Neither did my scientific explanations.
The upshot is that now whenever it rains Miss Medium and Mr Small shoot into our bedroom shrieking in terror.
And they are genuinely frightened.
We've tried everything to reassure them, but we often end up with both of them in bed with us. Which makes it a bit of a squash.
So what do you think we can do?
How do we allay their fear?
Will I ever get an unbroken night's sleep again?