The bathroom Husband and I share has a ridiculously large spa in it. The only time it has been used is when I was at the end of my pregnancy with Mr Small, and given my whale like state, I found floating in it enormously soothing.
Mostly it sits dry and empty.
Occasionally I look at it, and think it would be nice to fill it and light scented candles and float in it. But baths just make me hot and sweaty and then I need a shower afterward so really, what is the point?
Now, like just about every parent in the world, my personal space boundary has taken a serious hit since the offspring tumbled into our lives.
So today as I was dressing after a shower Miss Medium wandered in to chat.
I explained to her I was still dressing and drying my hair, so could she please wait.
This was important.
She needed me to do drawing with her right now.
Right now?
Gentle questioning elicited that my little girl had been teased today for not being able to draw stars, and I was her only hope in this area.
given my tragic lack of drawing skills, it shows how desperate she was poor thing
So I hastily finished dressing and we climbed into the ridiculously large tub which was the only nearby flat surface available and the "lesson" began.
Soon afterward Mr Large wandered in and joined in our impromptu drawing lesson.
Then Mr Small clambered in the tub happily scribbling on the last spare piece of paper.
And that is where Husband found his clan tonight when he wondered why the house was so strangely quiet.
And it has been decided that there will be a repeat of tomorrow's exercise.
Same time
Same place.
Next time we're learning to draw diamonds.
I can't tell you how much I treasure these moments.