A small badger about 60 years ago in Deniliquin.

I received a sobering piece of mail yesterday from the City of Wien - in fact from what is basically the ‘Office for Seniors’. These cunning devils are on to the fact that I am officially ancient as from Saturday and would like me to sign up for their senior publications.

These will tell me where I can go to do fun things with other old people and how I can usefully spend the last few months of my life. If I follow the example of the lady on the cover of the magazine they advertise then I will be sitting in the garden with two cats on my lap.

This is not an encouraging start to the weekend and has been a bit de-motivating. But I remember when I turned 45 I was in the Cook Islands with Cate. I became a bit morose about reaching that particular milestone and single-handedly drank an entire bottle of Pineapple Liqueur. My relationship with Pineapples has been a bit dodgy ever since that date and a fresh Pineapple can still induce in me the desire to vomit.

And the next 20 years of my life have been the best 20 years of my life - so WTF!

And I certainly don’t feel 65. I still behave (and write) like a child and have more fun than is decent. So I am not at all worried about this particular event. And reaching this immense age has its advantages - like - well - I am not dead. This must be a good thing right!

And the good things is that I can now get seniors discounts wherever I go and this is important as I get a miserable allowance from Cate and am forced to steal money from the housekeeping.

I am really good at this as you can tell by the fact that I stole enough to buy an iMac with a Quad Core and 8GB of Ram.