
See that ha is in connection with the fact that I'm blogging now.

I went to Heidi's house on Friday!!!!! I had oodles and oodles of fun! I

love her house, the people are all so nice, her room's so nice and

Heidi's so nice! It was super super fun. On Saturday tho, I kept trying

to call home so that I could leave and let her family be rid of me, cept

no one answered! Finally they did and I was able to leave the poooor

people alone. They must have been very happy. Heidi's dad is really

funny! And oddly psychic. See we were having dinner and I had a peice of

bread. I didn't want to ask for the butter/margarine/yellow stuff because

people were talking and I thought it'd be rude. Anyhoo, then Heidi's dad said

"Linda, please pass Amy the butter." It was cool! I thought Tanya was nice too,

and Karl's all shy and polite which is adorable in little brother status. Linda

was funny with her sun tan lotion and cow backpack too! Heidi is always cool and nice!

So thanks Heidi and her family for letting me stay and having a superdeeduper time!

On Thursday I went to Megan's house! I adore Megan's house the same as I adore

Heidi's house! Nice house, nice people! I played the Sims at Megan's house too and we

killed 15 people. We were both proud, and ashamed. :) We did lots of stuff also!

When my family got a new patio set (from CANADIAN TIRE!) the weather was bad for like a week

so we couldn't enjoy it for a while. Now the Pool is open but it's cold out there! Grrr

The stealing of this continues!

7 things you fear

~losing someone

~no one laughing at my joke

~Garden Gnomes

~The Voice of the guy on Americas Most Wanted, not the Walsh guy, the one who narates it.



~the boogey Man!

7 things that make you laugh

~Mightybigtv RECAPS!!

~My Friends

~The image of Meg drowning someone at the water table

~Whose Line is it Anways?

~the song parodies on 92.5 KISS fm

~Conan O'Brian

~John Heaton

7 things that make you cry

~when one of my friends is unhappy, or hurt

~being called a manipulator

~losing someone

~the Holocaust

~Numerous movies

~When my brother tells me he hates me

~Anya crying

7 things I hate


~being yelled at


~Being confused

~when people are hurt

~Being called immature

~People assuming things about me

7 things I love

~My Family!

~my friends

~making people laugh

~music all music

~The X-Files

~Lots of TV shows...it's sad really

~making people laugh! (again)

7 things I don't understand



~why the world can't be run by squirrels

~why some bad people live well, and some good people live bad

~why I can't be a genius

~the future

~the past

7 things on my desk

~two coffee cups

~computer games

~my arms

~a book

~a potato

~tv guide


Right now you are: Typing. Listening to a sports game of some sorts that my Mom's watching.

Thinking. Breathing. Talking to three people. FLYING!

7 facts about you

~I have brown hair! BLUE EYES!!!!!!!!!

~I have a thing for redheads (WAY before Meg did)

~I have an american living with me (I think it's cool)

~I don't know my background, so I'm part Russian!!!

~I become obbsessed with things very easily

~I like role playing. Apparently I'm a good Krycek.

~I wanna be a teacher some day.

7 things to do before I die

~go to Nova Scotia

~Grow up

~Tell Bluey think he's verra verra cute.

~Get the Sims

~Make a movie with Jamie-chan!

~Have children

~Marry Heath Ledger, or Seth Green

Happy Canada Day!!

I have the theme song to JSM(can't remember the order of letters) In my head!

The lifeguard keeps disapearing!=Direct little brothe quote

Well I reckon that's a perty long blog entry for today.

Sneakers. Snoopy. The Ocean.

The connection is soooooo easy!