I'm in the wonderful land of water falling. Rejoyce!

Jamie is the bestestestestes dancer in the world. I tell you she is. She is. The bestesetstestest. *nods*

The bestest.

We had marshmellows. I do not know how to make s'mores properly. Feel my shame. *throws shame at random people* Take that! And that!

I'm Amy of the wired.

Jamie sighed.

Jamie said "Jamie sighed."

Jamie laughed.

Jamie laughed again.

Jamie, while laughing, hit me and said "Stop blogging what I'm doing!"

Jamie is silent.

And holdng something in. And now punching.

Oh guess what? Wanna hear something that is a horrible horrible injustice? Me and Jamie were all set up to sleep in a wicked cool, non-smelling, bug free, tent. When! My brother, who was 'tired' got to get it instead. But don't worry, we know where he lives. Unless he moves.

We, my family and I, made up wicked cool campfire stories. Well, they're supposed to be scary, buuuut that's physically impossible to do with these people (my mom, aunt, and Jamie!!!!). So, we ended telling very amusing stories. Which involved, Fredricka who got a call from her Father, who had been dead for 30 years, and then her mom showed up, who had been dead for 25 years. Then, Mussolini, a guy who wanted a pizza pie, and ended up marrying the Pizza Guy's dead dog Rocky. Then, the most amusing story of the night, the one that brought apon numerous mentions of the 'boxes' through-out the night, about a boy named Timmy and his neighbors. Three boys who all reallly wanted to show Timmy their boxes. Their pretty, pretty boxes. Oh, and the neighbor's mom who really just wanted a bottle of Mr. Clean. By now, everything was supposed to be serious. So we had a character named River-Rat, who lived in the forest of the Mississippi. He found his daughter, who he then decided to eat. However, his daughter, just wouldn't die. First her head kept asking for her shoes, and her arm, which River-Rat had swallowed whole, lunged out of his chest. Of course, we told like one more, but it was all boring and serious so I won't mention it. The only reason it got serious was cause my mom threatened Jamie, er I mean anyone who wasn't serious, with a marshmellow up the behind.

We're gonna go to the Falls tomorrow, whoo and a hardy hoo!

Oh, I finished that book I wasn't reading too. I'm very happy, the ending was good. *phew*

Oh, I don't mean it was written well, I mean, the gal Melissa had a happy life, hence the *phew*

I better finish this blog entry. There are people to talk to. Bye

Snake. Discoball. Tiger.

The connection is something...