I must admit I was feeling kind of smug about the whole adventure I had planned for my offspring. On a moment of impulse (madness) I’d booked us to take a little boat trip round the ‘Middle of Nowhere’ on our little holiday.
The brochure showed lovely photos of wildlife and sandy beaches and I’d thought it would be a gentle little trip for us all to enjoy.
Win win all round.
So on the day in question I wore a jaunty little striped shirt, red scarf and white trousers. I was ship ahoy ready. I knew Nikki at Styling You would approve.
The first inkling something was wrong was the uncertain looks the captain of the very wee ship shot at my offspring when we arrived at the jetty.
‘Will they be okay with the, you know?’ shooting a meaningful glance in my direction.
‘Of course they will!’ I replied brightly. I had no clue what he was talking about but assumed it might be the overwhelming plethora of wildlife my offspring were about to be treated to.
Alarm bells started ringing when we got on board and were all given one of these to wear.

And then went to Defcom 5 when, as we sedately made our way out of the bay were told the tragic tale of the Titanic. I was already pretty familiar with the narrative thanks to Leo and Kate but the offspring listened with great interest.
The speaker rounded off the gloomy tale by saying ‘of course that happened in 1912 and it’s almost impossible to sink a boat now especially with the advances we’ve made in technology.”
With my fantasy of a gentle trail around the island disappearing, we took off. I mean literally, took off.
It was like riding a rollercoaster. I kept glancing across to see if Miss Medium had been washed away as we dipped and dived across insane waves.
Instead of being clenched with terror to her chair she was shrieking with glee.
In fact she even raised both hands in the air. You know so the dips and swoops would be even more powerful.
So I joined in.
I don’t think my kids detected my shrieks were ones of terror rather than pure joy.

And seeing a mother and her baby dolphin towards the end of it more than made up for the angst I endured.
In fact, I think we’ll do it again next year.
Have you ever booked something without knowing what you were really in for?