During a chat with a girlfriend recently she asked me if I: "was done" A little taken aback I replied that truthfully I wasn't sure.
By done, we were of course, referring to having children. Our chat got me thinking about the often times painful subject of having/not having children and how do you know you are done?
Because I honestly don't. Right now I know I couldn't cope with another baby, but the thought of not having the option to maybe, just maybe have one later, hurts my heart.
I think having had three children under the age of five was a huge challenge, for me at least. Whilst I coped at the time, I like the idea of having a baby when the others a bit older and "being in the moment" with parenthood a bit more.
That said, the demands of my children are increasing with age so truthfully I can't say if we will ever add to our family, or if it's just a little fantasy I like to indulge in from time to time.
Let me also say I know how lucky I am to have my three. I know some people would see me as greedy for wanting more. I blame my genes. One side of my family were Irish peasant farmers so the need to have many offspring  is definitely a by product of my heritage. That, and the fact that I LOVE babies.

A fellow blogger is in the mire right now waiting to see if she can even "start" her much longed for family, while yet another is now writing her story from the perspective of living her life child free, after years of trying to start a family. I guess those are two stories from the opposite ends of the spectrum.
I know there are people who are happy with their one child and equally there are those who just keep having them, like the Duggar family. Equally, sometimes there are babies that come along despite taking every precaution known to man.
What I'm curious about is, when do you know your family is complete? Is the desire for more children gone? Are there outside circumstances that essentially make the decision for you so its taken out of your hands? Is it the children you have the make you decide that for whatever reason it wouldn't be fair to have more?
Are you done?
How do you know?
Will I know?