I am in the throes of practising my "fashionspeak." It isn't going very well. Mainly because after the obligatory air kisses I get stuck for words.
Why am I practising my "fashionspeak" I hear you ask?
Because I'm going to a fashion festival. On the other side of the country. Minus Offspring.
Actually I won tickets to it, otherwise there is no way on earth this mere mortal would be attending something like this.
I wrote recently about wanting to write about fashion from an "ordinary person" perspective and hey presto look what happens! If ever there was a salutory tale about being careful what you wish for this is it.
And so I have spent time carefully assessing my wardrobe the less said about it the better  and generally having LOTS OF FUN indulging my frivolous and superficial fun, even though I know that Anna Wintour would say this is "serious business."
I am actually going to a trade fair which is supposed to be more fun than a consumer fair even though I don't really know what that means.
I also got VIP tickets to a bar where important people who decide what clothes will be in out stores in the coming months will be hanging out. I will be easily spottable because whilst waif thin people (yes I'm generalising, sue me) sip champagne and chat, I will be over at the food table, eating. Whilst I will do my best to act cool and restrained I suspect my sister in law will spend much of our time saying: "STOP STARING!"
Apparently I will also have access to an area where designers will be selling to buyers. Is there anything you want me to ask them for specifically?
So when I write about the Show expect lots of excitement, not much in the way of specific detail and stories of how I made a total fool of myself in front of someone important.
But I won't mind at all. Because opportunities like this come up once in a blue moon and I am going to enjoy every last second of it.