This soup is really easy to make, healthy and very filling.

I had bough these in Chinatown months ago and decided I should use them up.

I think it's Seafood Flavor


1 pack rice noodles and flavoring (I bought mine in Chinatown but anything should do)
1 pack of tofu (drained)
1 cucumber or zucchini
1 pack baby corn
650ml boiling water

1. Drain the tofu with paper towels and a heavy object on top (10-20 minutes)

Best book I ever bought in College (also makes a good door stop) Thanks Keith Brown for writing such a useful book!

2. Chop the zucchini, baby corn and tofu into blocks. Season as desired (I used Chinese 5 spice powder and salt and pepper). Place in a grill pan on medium heat for 10-20 minutes.

3. Meanwhile boil the 650ml of water in a saucepan and place the noodles and contents of seasoning packets in. Let noodles boil for about 6 minutes or until tender. The noodle pack came with 2 sets of noodles and 2 flavor packets. I made one set. To make both double the boiling water.

4. When vegetables and tofu are grilled add them to the pan of noodles and serve!

Eating some vegetables in between cupcakes is reccomended.