As I write this I do so under the forlorn gaze of Mr Moo.
Mr Moo is my son's class cow and he has come to stay with us for the weekend.
Right now I have a toddler who REFUSES TO NAP and whose favourite party trick is to strip naked whenever things don't go his way, leaving me blushing in his bare buttocked wake. Add in an overtired five year old and a 7 year old who just lost his front tooth with school photos next week. Well, a cow is just what I needed.
This is no ordinary cow I hasten to add.
No, Mr Moo needs ENTERTAINING.
He needs to be taken to see the sights of this fair city and have his photo taken with all and sundry.
I'm not entirely sure how to cope with the pressure. This was meant to be a quiet weekend. I'm supposed to be getting packing and organised. We are going away next week and my head is filled with mental lists that get filled alarmingly quickly and then disappear from my overloaded subconscious.
I've got a couple of articles to write this week but now I need to work on filling out the class book aptly entitled: "The adventures of Mr Moo."
Truthfully my son needs to write them but I'm his self appointed ghost writer. I'm free and have all the time in the world apparently.
The trouble is I need to create his adventures and I'm stuck.
How does one entertain a cow?
I suggested we bring him to Nippers but apparently he's scared of water. I thought he might enjoy a drink down at the pub but he's not of legal drinking age.
In order not to let the side down I need to take Mr Moo special places and capture the memories for posterity.
If you have time please leave a comment welcoming Mr Moo to our family for the weekend. I can add it to his scrapbook.
So where should I take and lose Mr Moo?
And I will of course choose the best one and blog about it next week.
I have to say I never in my life thought I'd be writing about a cow.
Life is very peculiar indeed.
If you had a cow joining you for the weekend where would you go?