Well since my post on committing to healthy living I've been going well. I haven't let Mr Small's illness derail me and the Bronze Medallion training at the beach on Saturday confirmed two things for me. One, I'm not 21 anymore. I know. You're shocked. But when a girl needs a nanna nap after 2 hours beach training it's clear I need to step up the cardio a bit. And the second thing? Rugby players may be spectacularly muscular but they aren't great swimmers. Yes, half a rugby team have joined my course. Nuff said.
Now, if you are on facebook the lovely Jane Kennedy has set up a webpage there where you can see more healthy recipe suggestions and where you can preview some recipes from her forthcoming book with lunchtime recipes. The link is here.
True to my word, I went back and bought another copy of her book to giveaway to one of my lovely and health conscious readers.
To enter, firstly, please be a follower of this blog, I only like giving things away to my friends!
Secondly, leave a comment about how your day is going. Because you know I'm interested.
And as you leave my blog could you please, oh please, click on the brown button on my sidebar? It's the one that will make me a popular blogger, in the USA at least. Even though I live in Australia. The button says: "The most popular mom blogs on the web."You only need to click on it. That's all!
Yes I am THAT shallow.
And also a bit competitive.
That's why, even though I am now surrounded by burly men and slender teenagers on my Bronze Medallion course I'm going to keep my head down and focus on whipping their shapely rear ends swimming past them.
I'll leave this open to comments until Friday and I will draw the winner by random integer on Saturday morning BEFORE training. ( I may need a wee rest afterwards)