Swedish folk-giant The Tallest Man On Earth is setting out to release a new album called The Wild Hunt. If the first taste is of any kind of reference on what the album will be like we're in for a real treat.

On King Of Spain Kris Matsson strums his guitar more feverishly than on any of his debut album songs and his piercing voice sounds even stronger than before. In contrast to the raw energy of Kris' performance the debut's home-knitting recording esthetics have been polished up a bit. There's still plenty of dirt and gravel in the sound, no worries, but the loudest tape hiss and saturation, omnipresent in the debut, has been cleaned off.

And the song? You could probably go days listening to nothing else. What a beauty bomb!

The Tallest Man On Earth - King Of Spain

The Wild Hunt will be available on the 13th of April via Dead Oceans.

· mp3, music