Our night out at Ein Wiener Salon was indeed an epic performance. It was Sven’s first day back after holidays and he put his heart into every morsel. Every meal at this restaurant is sensational – but this was special. This is what we had

Orangenlachsforelle mit Estragonmayonnaise, Wildkräutern & Saurem Kürbis

Sellerie-Apfel-Karottensuppe mit knusprigem Sellerie & Sellerie-Orangensalat

Gerbratene Gänseleber auf Topinambour, Stangensellerie, Löwenzahn & Preiselbeer-Ananaschutney

Confierte Entenkeule mit Dattel-Erdäpfel-Roulade, Rotkohl & Sanddorn

After we left the restaurant, however, things deteriorated badly.

We started heading for home and Cate said ‘let’s pop into the Schwarzer Hahn for a nightcap’ – and then bounded off towards it. Mayhem ensued. The less said about it the better – but it was a very late night indeed.

We made some new friends – can’t remember their names now but we bonded on the night. Unusually – we did not bring any home.

It was a bad day for all concerned on Friday – particularly Cate who had to work and Gwenyth who had to spend 30 hours flying to Australia. She was however upgraded to First Class on Etihad so this eased some of the pain.

In my case I regained my sight and the use of my hands at about midday and was able to force down some coffee.

On Saturday Cate achieved her ambition of buying me a proper coat. It is made by Christia in Italy and will get me through the fiercest winter imaginable. I am ready now for Minsk or indeed would be quite comfortable in Oymyakon.

During the last two weeks Sissi has developed a passion for shredding anything Cashmere and has managed to destroy a couple of Cate’s prized possessions. On Sunday she excelled herself by jumping on a small table on which a wax lamp was burning. The table collapsed.

She is now covered in wax - which will come off in time. I rather suspect that I will not get all the wax of the walls and ceiling but we can use the table for firewood.