What makes ME happy......

I've been "tagged" by Lauren and here are the rules:
1. Mention and link back to the person that tagged you.
2. List 6 little things that make you happy!
3. Tag 6 other bloggers and let them know "They're it".

I loved this idea! Now firstly, I'm going to say that my own little family make me very happy, so I'm not going to include them on this list. And I'm not going to include my friends either. Instead I'll tell you about the other things that add to my happiness.

1. Cooking makes me happy. This week I went to a Spanish Tapas cooking course. I'm going to a Mexican one next month. If I am in need of a quick happy fix I usually click here and see possibly the most mouthwatering food ever. This was the chef at this week's course btw, his name was Sunny. His food looked good too!

2. Running makes me happy. I have recently discovered the phenomenon called runners high, and my new skins make me happy too. Those are NOT my legs btw. I wish!

3. Alone time makes me happy. Juggling my little family, my work and the multitude of other things I have to do every day, I value my solitude. What's rare is precious.

4. Reading makes me happy. I'm obsessed with historical biographies at the moment. I'm reading this one at the moment.

5. Like many of you, I like to look nice. My conversion to MAC has been made complete. Having some of their makeup brushes would make me very happy!

6. The wedding of my cousin is fast approaching and that makes me very happy. I can't wait to get together with all my family and celebrate.

I'm tagging these people to find out what makes them happy....
1. Kenna
2. Mrs Spit
3. OM
4. Nancy
5. Monica