Firstly I'd like to welcome Sass to the Jog Blog team! She has been TTC for five years and is about to start IVF. Please go and offer her some encouragement and support. Good on you Sass!
I've reached the halfway point of my training. This week I ran only four out of the five times but I have a SUPER excuse. Friday found me in a prone position while I spent an hour having saline solution injected into me followed by some radioactive dye for about an hour. Fun times no? I had a HIDA scan.
Remember when I was sick earlier this year? Well the pain returned and my sweet GP scheduled me for this test. Based on my results my GP said if I saw a surgeon they would take my gallbladder out.
So I'm not seeing a surgeon.
Problem solved!
Well not really. But frankly between training for this, returning to work next week AND launching something so wonderful I still can't quite believe it later this week, my gallbladder is just going to have to wait.
I have great meds for the pain and like my wonderful dad, I'm powering through.
So please make sure you visit me later this week because I have something super special to share with you.
Secondly, I went on a MAC makeup course today. Wait, there is a connection to jog blog with this I swear!
I learned how to apply makeup properly, the right skin shades for me, the importance of exfoliant and when it comes to eyeshadow "blend, girls, blend."
They also told me the make-up was sweat proof.
This is me in full MAC makeup before a 12km run. Please note this was intended to be a 9 km run. This is what happens when your husband plans your route and you don't listen carefully when he explains it to you.

This is me afterwards.


a couple of ps's
1) Thank you for all your comments on my Friendship post. I really enjoyed reading them and have written a response in the comments section.
2) Please keep Michele and Devon in your thoughts and prayers. I can't imagine what they are going though and can only offer my support. Go by and give them a BIG hug. xxxx