Naturally this week has been tougher than Week 1. Firstly the zeal equivalent to that of a religious convert has worn off a little. Couple this with the fact that DH has been away most of this week, so to all intents and purposes I have been a single mother, fitting in the exercise has been more of a struggle.
But I have persevered.
I introduced hill sprints this week and the less said about them the better. I also did a run to the beach and back which was far more pleasant.
Now I'm really excited about this because I've decided to run to support Carly and Sam's site "To write their Names in the Sand" and am having tshirt(s) especially made for the run.
The back of the tshirt will have one of the beautiful photos Carly has taken and the front of the tshirt will have a flower with names on it. I've already had two name requests. If you would like to add your request so I can run in honour and memory of your children, please can you do so in the comments? I need a few weeks to get the t'shirts made. Please note the use of the plural, DH is going to wear one too as are some close friends.
I've also set a series of mini goals. The first mini goal has been inspired by OM, to get myself fitted for a pair of decent running shoes. These ones are two years old and I already have one blister from them. Not good when ones feet are as ugly as mine anyway.
I'm going to get them when I've dropped a couple more pounds. When I get nearer to goal I'm going to get myself some new running skins as well.
I also joined SITS recently and came across this little gizmo from "The Project Girl." It's a downloadable food journal. Definitely good for people like me who delude themselves about what they have eaten. Just thought you might like that little piece of info!
And weight loss? This week the scales showed a one pound loss. Nowhere near as spectacular as last week, but given outside factors including a BBQ and a concert I think it's pretty good.
So I move into Week 3 hoping that I continue to train consistently, eat healthily and knowing that with such a great cause to train for it will all be worth it! I look forward to getting your requests and creating something very special to run in.