There was some squabbling in this house today, even from the kids ;) 
It’s that post getaway come-down. 
The tonne of laundry seems unrelenting. Catching up on all the threads left undone before we left seems impossible. I start one task, only to be distracted by yet another seemingly urgent one.
The low grade anxiety I co-exist peacefully with for the most part, kicks up a notch.
It has no particular trigger. It’s just there.
Innate and highly annoying.
Instead of acknowledging it, I walk away.
From the laundry, the floors that need cleaning again, the emails that need answering and the articles that need writing. 
They can wait. I know they can.
I curl up at the end of my daughter’s bed. The offspring bring a pile of books over and we start to read together.
I start with "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and we read several more after that.
Slowly, imperceptibly almost, the anxiety recedes.
Husband and I go outside and start tidying up.
I sweep and he prunes the leaves.
And just like that, it’s gone.
It's not always that simple, but today it is.
And I am grateful.

Have a safe and happy Easter break everyone.
I'll be back on Sunday.
Images courtesy of We Heart It.