We have a policy in Casa de Chaos. On the rare, but joyous occasions we go away as a family I am the designated packer. Husband is the unpackee.
It works.
I make my trusty lists in advance and then forget about or lose them. I spend the day beforehand frantically rushing round washing mountains of laundry, or scrabbling through drawers trying to find items of clothing.
On our most recent trip Mr Small was forced to wear the same pair of shorts a few days in a row because I'd forgotten a crucial item. To pack him extra shorts.
Mr Large had had to wear the same pair of socks as well. Before you rain hell down on my packing skills, I need to tell you I hand-washed the blessed things every night in our tiny bathroom sink so they were clean every morning.
Damp maybe.
But clean nonetheless.
I had remembered to pack multiple pencils for the offspring which I felt very proud of. Colouring in is great fun isn't it? But I forgot to pack a sharpener which meant when the pencil tips got worn down, the fun was over. We were staying in a place that really should have been called "The Middle of Nowhere" so buying one was an impossibility.
We went fishing instead. It's amazing what fun you can have with the $4 fishing string and hook I packed. In that case I can claim success.
One day I will get better at this packing gig. I just need a holiday first ;)
What have you forgotten to pack?

Image courtesy of the lovely folk at WeHeartIt