The prefix The Honourable or The Honorable (abbreviated to "The Hon." or formerly "The Hon'ble") is a style used before the names of certain classes of persons. It is considered an honorific styling.

When you are pretty good, not as good as others but better than heaps of others, according to the Sydney Writers Centre.

I am beside myself with unexpected glee! After being nominated by several kind WoogsWorld followers, I was given an HONOURABLE MENTION is the Sydney Writers Centre Best Australian Blogs 2011.

Holy Fuck!

Now these guys are WRITERS, not Home Loan Banks or Kleenex Dudes. Actual writers judging writing! Not telling me I do not have enough likers on Facebook but think I rite rool good.

Of course I am pleased for my bloggy chums who are actually finalists, but this post is not about them. It is about all things Honourable.

When I told Mr Woog last night that I got an Honourable Mention in the Sydney Writers Centre Best Australian Blog competition, I made him say Honourable Mention is a Chinese accent. Because it sounds even more honourable.

And when the Woogettes woke up this morning at 6am, they got a right honourable telling off.

But I am not going to let this almost glory moment go to my head. It fits nicely with my personal mantra "Never expect anything and you can never be disappointed." It is a good rule to live by as you can only ever be delighted when good things do actually happen. Plus I can always say it was an honour just to be nominated.

So I am going to take my Honourable Ass off to my Mum's for the weekend to eat chocolate and bore my entire family with tales about the Little Blog that Almost Could.

I think this new direction my title has taken me could very well result in a surprise last minute invite in the mail..... we shall see!

So I will be enjoying my bloggy break trying to decide what to wear.

Have a Rockin Easter!
Honourable Yours,

(The Hon.) Mrs Woog