Since Easter is about to come and go, if you haven't snagged these from Target, you better do it quick.  Besides being cute Easter cutters, I also used the bunny to make the first cookie in my Angry Birds collection.

If you don't already know what Angry Birds is, don't feel bad.  Neither did I until my seven year old son enlightened me.  Long story short, it's a cell phone game where killer birds are on a mission to destroy little green pigs hiding in random structures...

Okay, maybe that makes the game sound a little violent, but in reality, it's very cute and from what I hear, VERY addictive.

To make the Angry Bird Pig I used the bunny cutter from my Target Easter set, and trimmed him up a little.

After allowing my cookie to completely cool, I prepared my icing.  For this I needed:
  • black icing for piping outline
  • red, white, lime green, leaf green and black flood icing

To begin, outline the cookie as shown.  Then, using light green flood icing, add the snout and use black for the insides of the ears.

Let the first steps set for about five minutes, then using black flood icing, quickly add eyeballs, and nostrils.  If you are worried about bleeding, skip the black areas and add them LATER after the cookie is completely dry.

To finish up the flooding steps, fill in the remaining areas with leaf green flood icing, and add a small drop of red for a mouth.  Let dry overnight.

To finish up Mr. Pig, use food color markers to add the final details.
I outlined his eyes and mouth, and went around his snout with green, although it was okay without it {I tend to get a little hung up on details like that}

When you are finished, you will have this little guy...

who happens to be cookie #1 of this set.

For Part 2, Click {HERE}

Easter will be here tommorrow! I hope everyone is safe
 and spending time with the people they love the most!