We've been busy making cupcakes here at Casa de Chaos. Like most people I have an "A" grade in hand wringing this week. I've been frozen with the sheer horror of events that have overtaken so many people and felt, rightly so, utterly helpless in the face of it all.
It has been a week where everything that is unreal or utterly unbelievable, has somehow become our new normal. At least, that's how I feel.
I remember a TV show a couple of years back where the main character suffered a terrible bereavement and literally baked her way through the first few weeks of her loss. It was her way of coping with the pain she felt.
I can't imagine the suffering of those who've lost loved ones, those who've lost homes or pets, but I have a good idea. And like the character in that show, being able to bake my way through my frustrated inability to do much else was very appealing.
And so when the opportunity came up in some small way to help. I leapt at it. A terrific Perth lady came up with a great way to fundraise.
Tonight these little creatures will hopefully be sold at a fundraiser at a local pub. All money will be donated to the Queensland Flood Appeal.
A Playboy bunny has kindly offered to be the front person to sell them.
And so a Playboy Bunny will meet the Easter Bunny.
Because that's the kind of week it is. Where we all work together to make a difference, even it is only a small one.
It all helps.