Ever since I came across this adorable photo on my friend Glory's Flickr page, I have been dying to make cookie Valentines with my kids. 

This is the photo that started it all...

The problem was, even though I know my way around a cookie cutter, I'm not so patient great with paper crafts. 

So, late last Sunday night I called Glory for a last-minute, one-on-one, how-to on making printables.

Did I mention I have a one track mind?  She tried to explain, but I was way more interested in the cookies I was working on than label designing.  I zoned out pretty QUICKLY...

Luckily, I have GOOD understanding friends.  Instead of letting me worry about it on my own, she designed some labels and posted them along with step-by-step instructions on her blog. {In other words she did the part I didn't want to do and gave me written instructions so I could construct them}


Yay for me, because with little effort on my part, I made these little cuties, and yay for you, because you can do the same! {click on the photo to get your FREE PRINTABLES from Glorious Treats}


As a beginning cookie Valentine-r, I did learn a few things this week that I would like to share to help others avoid some of the headaches I encountered...
  • Make simple cookies for kids.  Save the masterpieces for grown up events.
  • Stock up on treat bags, small and large.
  • If it's hard for you to fold cardstock cleanly, use a butter knife, or even better, use regular computer paper instead of cardstock.  Then it's easier for the kids to help staple {for some reason staplers intrigue my boys}
  • Since these toppers are a little small, if you have a child that still writes a little on the LARGE side like my Evan, keep a fine tip Sharpie handy.  It's WAY neater. 
  • Print extras so that mistakes are no big deal.
  • Bite size cookies are a good idea for younger kids.
Before I go, I also wanted to show you one more set of cookies.

I was so inspired by The Celebration Shoppe's free printables that I showed yesterday, I made some simple cookies to go with the owl version. {Click on the photo and then follow the instructions to get your printables}

To make the owls, I modified a tulip cutter by trimming off the middle petal. It made a perfect little owl.  I hope this week gave everyone tons of ideas and inspired a weekend of fun baking with the kids!

By the way, I just noticed Glory posted a heavenly looking Cranberry White Chocolate Bar Recipe on her blog . Check it out. It looks like a good option for filling  GROWNUP Valentine bags. While you're there, tell her thanks for helping me with the technical part of this project.  She deserves a medal for being patient with me =)

Happy Friday everyone, have a wonderful relaxing weekend!