One of the resolutions I made this year was to be more community minded. I am constantly awed at the efforts of those around me who selflessly devote themselves to various causes. I'm not one of them. I wish I was.
So timing really is everything isn't it?
A few weeks ago we were down at the Cat Haven selecting The Ugliest Cat in the World. I remember becoming increasingly angry at the people coming in dropping off the kittens they'd "found."
Then a lady had come in with her children about the same age as mine, with a container filled with fluffy kittens.
Being a judgemental cow I asked her where she'd "found" them.
She calmly replied that she hadn't. In fact, she and her family are foster carers. The Cat Haven has them on their wait list to call if the kittens come in and they're too small to be adopted out just yet.
Amidst the haze of my grief for our cat Lily and the adoption of our new one I found myself signing us up to be foster carers.
Because frankly I like the idea of my community service involving fluffy kittens.
And today of all days we got the call.
4 kittens.
Too small to be adopted out and in need of a loving home for two to three weeks.
They particularly like them going to homes with children, as they can be more easily adopted.
As it happened, we'd had to cancel our plans for today as two of the offspring were not well. Instead Husband made his way to the Haven with a wildly excited Miss Medium.
We go back weekly for check-ups, all their food is provided and while the kitty litter is clearly going to be a huge pain, it's totally worth it.
They even tried to help me with cleaning up today.

Hope you've all had a lovely Australia Day everyone. While it wasn't the one I had planned AT ALL. Somehow it really doesn't matter one bit.