I like making lists and ticking things off as I complete them. I always have. In recent years as I changed career paths and finally allowed myself to be creative, to pursue my dream of being a writer I started to do things a bit differently.
I still have many written lists, but I also have my board.
My vision board.
It's my way of making a list of the "bigger" things I want to achieve or the dreams I want to fulfil. My vision board sits right next to my laptop and I always make sure to leave some space on it so I can add in new things or sometimes change the ideas I've already put up there. It includes inspiring words and phrases, pictures of places I'd like to go or things I'd like to achieve. It's a way to focus on the positive, the uplifting, the future.
It is funny how easily it works for me. For the past few weeks I've found myself out walking or jogging four times a week. No excuses. The other day I was wondering why I was going to great lengths to make sure it was four times, not three. And then I remembered it was written on my board to exercise four times a week. Clearly it made an impression somewhere.
Last year I made a vision board.
Here it is:

As you can see renovating our home was one of them. During the past year every single room in our home has been changed in some way. Here's just one example.


This year I've been much more specific with my vision board about what it is I want to achieve. My daughter and I spent some very happy time cutting and sticking the new one together. I do know that I achieved everything off last year's list, but this year I'm making my goals even more bigger and braver.
As well as my own one for this year, through the wonders of modern technology I'm also creating one in collusion with the gorgeous Anj. We have a shared dream and together we are working to make that come true as well.
These days, my lists are great for shopping, but my dreams? They come in bright, vivid colour.
How do you dream?