Possible proof that bad decision making is genetically hard wired. After spending nearly half a century shouting down the science of global warming as a sham, the right-wing skeptics concede that it is indeed real then embrace nuclear power as the only solution, all in the same day.

"The old right has been on an arduous journey, with most finally converted to the truth universally acknowledged, except by flat-earthers: the world is warming at life-on-earth threatening speed. When the climate-deniers' case collapsed, they retreated to an ideological redoubt claiming global warming was a natural phenomenon, not amenable to man-made remedy. But that fortress crumbled too, and even George Bush, last of the deniers, conceded. For some reason the old deniers, barely batting an eyelid, shifted over to nuclear as the only salvation, though those who have been so wrong owe a little humility when it comes to next steps."

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