I did these tests so long ago, but I forgot to post my results. So here's my results!

I thought so long about what I could actually blog about...then I realized I didn't. Stupid Amy.

Ah ha! Fer the Carebear one I had a tie!

See what Care Bear you are.

Or I'm

See what Care Bear you are.

*I* didn't cheat on this one.

I don't quite get it. I am smarter, fitter, and bolder

than my potbellied brother ever could hope to be, yet he gets all the fame, fortune, and glory, not to mention Peach's heart. If

only I was the first player in Super Mario Bros... things could have been different. Maybe I can make a comeback, now that I

finally have my own game.. but probably not. After all, I'm just Luigi.

What Super Mario Bros character are you?

I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

You can take the

McDonalds Product Test
by Matio64


You are Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the


A strange and fun loving kid. You are an expert computer hacker and have all the really important, meaningful

dialog in the series :).
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?