Ah, today Megan has become a 17 year old. Wonders will never cease!

I really hope you're birthday is really good Megan and right now, you're making something to electricute people and that makes a tear come to my eye. A tear of happiness o'course.

I met Megan way back when we were freshpeople in grade 9. We had the same geography class and we sorta sat next to each other. We never spoke really, except when I asked for paper from HER. I thought she was pretty nice and wondered why the two guys who sat behind her bugged her so much. Of course, now I know.

It was grade 10 when I first really started to know Megan. We had two classes together, careers/civics and gym. Then we had lunch together second semester and it was great. I remember when it was great, yeah it wasn't. Hehehe just to confuse her!

Well yeah, I could go on for a while, cause I'm supposed to be doing work...in the lab! Bahahah when will they learn! When! Never that's when! Bahahahaha! But I'll stop now, because one the teacher is gonna come in any second and two it kinda sounds like Megan's dead and I'm remininicing. Which isn't right cause we all know she isn't dead. Yet. April 23, 2004. Why? Oh she know's why!