In the third chapter, page 51, the author takes us through is walk on the internet. He explains what he does and tells us through each step what interests him. Reading about what the author does on the internet, it made me think of what i do on the internet. i start each day by first signing on and then i go into hotmail to check my mail. I'll read all of emails from friends and then check the sites of free newsletters that i receive. Most of them are on relationships, exercises, and other things. After that I'll respond to the messages that friends have written me which shows what a procrastonator i am. The internet reflects kind of what personality I have. Like the sites I visit, the things I make, are all based on what I like to do and who I am. The sites that he visits and what he talks about shows me that he isn't that interesting. I find the things that he does are pretty boring. I appreciate that he's giving us a view of what he does or what he likes but i find that if the internet is that great and huge then i wouldn't spend my time doing the things that he does. My time for the internet is short because i'm so busy but I guess the internet just shows that I'm a social person and that's what i like to do.