I agree with the author's view of using this unique technology to only enrich our lives. People definitely use it the wrong way, leaving the innocent users widely unprotected and at a great chance of somehow getting hurt, either their computer or in another way. It is pretty weird to think of the internet as only in it's adolescence. Growing up in this time, it's become a lot of what I know and I can't imagine our world without it but to other people they are amazed by how immense technology has become. I am amazed at how the internet is an interactive place like how Mr. Gilster was saying. Just what people are thinking up; 3D chat, voice and imaging when talking to people via internet, downloading anything you care, and obtaining the wildest information you could think up and having to pick from 20 places. I am beginning to like the book because I can see that I am going to learn some things. Whether it be new words pertaining to the internet or different forms in which it can be used which both interests me.